No 1 The Project

This project was tasked at creating a mobile app for my client ‘Adrian’ which will help him to solve a problem he is facing in his daily life.

Adrian is definitely in the category of ‘fussy eater’, he goes through different emotions, stress, anxiety and moods when it is time for him to choose where he will eat his next meal. It is so important for Adrian to choose the right meal for satisfaction, that he would rather choose something which he has eaten multiple times before than to risk trying something new.

revive mobile app

No 2 Summary Process

By conducting a couple of user interviews with Adrian, interviewing other people to find out about how they decide where and what they will eat for a meal, I started to userstand how I can find something to help Adrian.

After going through the discovery stage and really finding out what possible options, I went into the define phase of the process in order to identify an area of focus. Once I built a initial paper prototype, I went through multiple iterations of app designs, and many rounds of testing. I was eventually able to get to high fidelity prototype complete with branding.

No 3 Roles

  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Research
  • Interviews
  • Contextual Inquiry
  • Sketching
  • Testing
  • Prototyping

No 4 Testimony

“ Thank you so much Chris, I really like this app and the concept. If it were produced, I would get it”

— Adrian Nayeem, App User

No 5 Full case study

No 6 More Projects